About Me

Friday, February 28, 2014

Season Starting

With all this snow on the ground, motocross season has been delayed. Usually, it starts backup in early-mid March, but with all this cold weather lately and some impending snow storms, most tracks will still be covered with snow and ice. Sometimes, if there isn't too much snow on the tracks, they try to melt the snow into the dirt to get the track muddy, but there is just too much snow. Hopefully the snow will be gone soon enough so we can get the tracks up and running again. Not only is this snow effecting motocross racers, it is also affecting me. I do mostly trail riding now and the trails are completely covered in snow. Sometimes if there isn't too much snow,Season I will try to go out and ride. I really want to get out there so I can start blogging about what I really want to talk about. Also, I will hopefully get some videos up of my riding on here, so you guys can see what dirtbiking is like.

1 comment:

  1. Motorcross can get intense. Can't wait for the snow to finally melt.
